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Robin Wöhr, Arianne Schwarz

Sideproject, Vitra Workshop 

co-playing furniture

The waiting time dilemma

First you are stuck in a traffic jam, then you want to quickly withdraw money from the bank, and in the meantime you take a number at the office, hoping that you will get it today. 


Every day people spend time waiting. Waiting that becomes no easier task with children. The waiting time in a doctor's office looks rather short compared to the waiting time in rush hour traffic,

but it can often be up to an hour.

"Der Mensch ist nur da ganz Mensch,

wo er spielt."

Friedrich Schiller -


To counteract this problem, we have come up with concepts where waiting times are not shortened, but can be made much more pleasant, stress-free and creative. With small add-ons and improvements, the existing Vitra furniture is to be upgraded and made playable. 


Creativity, which is often lost, is to be reawakened in adults and further encouraged in children.


Common games can thus be elegantly integrated and supplemented as needed for the furniture. Without sacrificing the design affinity of the furniture classics, the usually narrow and small waiting rooms can unfold their full potential.


The children can play directly with the parent, are always in the field of vision and in the meantime can be filled out in peace already times the registration form.

"Der homo ludens entwickelt sich zum homo exspectans."

- unknown -

Additional areas of application could also be museums, public administration buildings or private households.

"Ein Mensch verbringt durchschnittlich 374 Tage seines Lebens mit Warten.

Davon 25 Tage beim Arzt."

- Die Zeit, Nr. 48 -

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